Who Will Win the Facebook and Google War? A Social Media Smackdown.

Ali-Frazier. Yankees-Red Sox. Celtics-Lakers. The sports world has often seen knock-down, drag-out battles between titans. But seldom do massive companies zero in on each other.


In this May, 26, 2010 file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about the social network site's new privacy settings in Palo Alto, Calif. Schools in New Jersey's largest city are poised to receive $100 million Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, from the founder of Facebook.

In the latest salvo of an increasingly nasty war, Facebook hired public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller to try to covertly get journalists and bloggers to write negative articles about Google’s privacy practices relating to its new social media feature. 

A spokesman for Facebook admitted the dastardly caper to The Daily Beast.

The feature in question, Social Circle, allows Facebook user information to show up via a Google search.. While Facebook says Google is infringing on its users privacy, some say, Facebook railing on about the abuse of its users privacy is like the pot calling the kettle black.

“There is a battle for the future of the Web,” Ray Valdes, an analyst at Gartner, told ComputerWorld, “and it is not about search engines, but about the social Web.”

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