Social media have rewritten political rules

At age 67, Eugene Kelleher remembers the day when “friends” were people you hung around with and “likes” were, well, things you liked.

As recently as a year ago, the retired teacher had never heard the term “Facebook.” He had a computer, but used it mostly for word processing and e-mail.

That changed this year, when Kelleher decided to run for the newly formed Luzerne County Council and began searching for ways to get his message out.

Kelleher, of Dallas Township, is among dozens of candidates seeking countywide political offices who have turned to Facebook, the popular social networking site on the Internet, to reach out to voters.

Each of the 16 judicial candidates and at least 23 of the 49 candidates for Luzerne County council has a page or group on Facebook, according to a scan of the site recently conducted by a reporter.

The amount of information on the sites varies greatly, with some candidates having numerous posts and videos, while others have personal information, but little to no information about their candidacy.

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