Online Advertising With Blogs

HubSpot this this one out of the park.  I think that is a topic that most businesses miss these days.  Every one is looking for a direct response that they can measure in some sort of ROI. This talk about the value of being a source of information, and not focusing on the direct sale.  This is how social media works best and a blog is just that, one more form of social media.

Online advertising may refer to advertising over the Internet which seeks to promote a certain product or service. However, there is a new trend in marketing which deviates from this traditional approach.

Advertising online is moving into the realm of helping people find answers, not necessarily making a sale. This is made possible through blogs which provide information to common problems that people usually confront.

Some blogs, for example, help customers find answers to their questions without having to make a hard sell. These problems may cover certain difficulties that pertain to products and services such as troubleshooting and how to use a certain product.
This new approach may be difficult to accept for hardcore business people.

Creating blogs for the sake of helping people without any attempt to promote a certain product or service seems to depart from the common conception of online advertising. However, some marketers see an opportunity from such approach, which is, building a strong relationship with customers.

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