Facebook Sponsored Stories: A New Era in Online Advertising

Facebook is changing the “Social” advertising landscape again.  3 Years ago, they didn’t know how they would make money off the site, now it seems like revenue streams are endless.  This article was published on searchenginewatch.com, worth a read!

Last summer I decided to change things around with my weekly fishing expeditions. Instead of always going for walleye, I would now start getting into some salmon and lake trout.

But these species feed in much deeper water than I would reach with my existing equipment. I needed to buy some new equipment, like downriggers and temperature sensors.

I read about this stuff online, but at the end of it all, I still had no idea what brand and models to focus on, so I turned to my friends for advice, then I took their advice and spent lots of money on some new gear. Just an example of how well word of mouth works.

Get entire article here.