Audience Targeting, ROI Draw Advertisers to Digital Video

Not often do we find articles about video marketing but this one from eMarketer speaks to a lot of the questions that I field on a regular basis.

Audience and ROI both biggest draw and downside of online video advertising

Digital video advertising is steadily gaining momentum within online marketing, with eMarketer estimating a 38.6% online video ad spending increase this year alone. And while Break Media indicates most advertisers (79%) will spend less than 25% of their online display budget on digital video advertising in 2011, the majority (70%) plan to increase digital video ad spend within the next 12 months.

Data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) shows agencies and marketers are looking to take advantage of online video advertising for its audience targeting capabilities and higher return on investment (ROI).

When choosing online video ad placements, channels or providers, the most important determinants are audience targeting capabilities, results—also defined as ROI or campaign performance—and audience reach. Among agencies, targeting was the most important factor: 88% rated it “very important.” Results (85%) and reach (84%) were also important. Interestingly, marketers valued ROI and targeting as much as their agency counterparts, but they placed less emphasis on reach, perhaps indicating marketers tend to demand quality over quantity, but agencies expect both.

Criteria that Are Very Important in Their Decision to Spend on Online Video Ads According to US Marketers, by Segment, Dec 2010 (% of respondents)

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