Spamming Backlinks – What not to do.

Allowing comments on your website is a great way to allow people to engage with you, your site, and your products.  The unfortunate aspect of comments are the spam messages created as replies to post on your site.

Every day I have a 10 minute process that I go through on every website that I own, cleaning out the spammed back links.   This example is 1 weeks worth of spammed back links to just one site of mine.  You can see all of the comments over the course of one month. 99.9% of all comments waiting in the moderator control panel on this wordpress site are all spam placed by other people in order to create a back link to their respective site.

Spamming BackLinks2Here is just a small sample of the the comments created on this one site.  Some of them don’t even attempt to cover the fact that they are spam.

Example of spam backlinksNot a single back link will ever be approved on any one of my sites.  I only link my site to other site that have useful similar information about the topics of said site.

Often times my customers tell me that they are going to pay for back links, or their in a review of their current SEO status we discover back links created in this format. With the nature of Google’s Algorithm, poor back links not only hurt the destination site but the site the back link is posted from.

I have recently consulted with a company in Sacramento CA about this topic specifically.  This customer was paying an SEO firm out of the bay area, one thousand dollars a month for Search Engine Optimization.  The company wasn’t showing up on any keyword terms.  It took just a few steps to establish one of the possible reasons the site didn’t show up.  They had over 1,400 inbound links to the site, from site that had nothing to do with the companies offerings.

After spending more than 20 hours trying to clean up the back links, and allowing over a month for the changes to be noticed, the customers MOZ rank climbed over 2 points, and the sites SERPs were impacted positively on over 20 keyword terms.

In conclusion, it’s more important today than ever before to use quality SEO companies like Denver Media, or 29 Prime, to do your companies SEO.  It’s also noteworthy to not be fooled into thinking that a $5 offer on some website will benefit your SEO in any positive way.

If you are concerned about your companies current SEO efforts please contact Chris at 720.427.3707 for a free consultation.